Events & Workshops

Event Type
Calls Of Interest

Deadline: October 14, 2021 - 2:00 pm (SK Time)
Debbie Sunchild-Petersen
Deadline: October 14, 2021 - 2:00 pm (SK Time)

Applications now accepted for the 2022 Indigenous Mentorship Program


Deadline extended to Thursday, October 14, 2021 @ midnight


The SWG is now accepting applications for Mentors and Apprentices for the 2022 Indigenous Mentorship Program. This allows developing Indigenous writers to work in a supportive environment under the guidance of professional writers.


The mentor provides the apprentice with one-on-one instruction in the craft of creative writing. The program is open to Indigenous writers in all genres and will be tailored to the apprentice's individual needs. The four (4) participants, two (2) mentors and two (2) apprentices will work together for approximately 20 hours a month in collaboration through email, phone, online meetings and in-person. The program will run from January 1 to April 30, 2022.


The focus of the program is craft development, manuscript preparation, the business of writing and editing; apprentices should not expect to have a completed manuscript by the end of the program. At the end of the program, the apprentices will give a public reading of their work.


There is no cost to apply for this program and there are no participation fees.


Deadline: Applications must be emailed to or postmarked by October 14, 2021 midnight (EXTENDED).


For full application deadlines, please read our program information here:


Call for Indigenous Mentors


The SWG is seeking experienced Indigenous writers in all genres to participate in the Indigenous Mentorship Program. Mentors who have participated in the regular SWG mentorship program or the Aboriginal Mentorship Program in the past are welcome to apply.


Mentors will be selected based upon the following criteria:

  • the possession of a significant body of published work
  • experience as a teacher, workshop leader, mentor, writer in residence, or editor
  • the ability to commit time (15-20 hours per month) during the mentorship period
  • preference will be given to those who self-identify as Indigenous or Metis and are Saskatchewan residents


Mentors will receive an honorarium of $2,800.00 for their participation in the four (4) month program.


Call for Indigenous Apprentices


The SWG is seeking emerging Indigenous writers who wish to develop their skills in the craft of creative writing. Eligible applicants will meet the following criteria:

  • they will have a body of work of sufficient quality to benefit from the program
  • they will have work in progress when they apply
  • they will not have had a book published in the genre in which they wish to apprentice
  • they have demonstrated their commitment to writing by having participated in some form of professional development.
  • they will be free to devote a significant amount of time to the program: a minimum of 20-25 hours per month.
  • preference will be given to those who self-identify as Indigenous or Metis and are Saskatchewan residents, 19 years of age or older


The results of this competition will be announced in November.

The decisions of the jury will be final. Jurors may choose to not make the two (2) matches.



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