
Writing North and Talking Fresh


The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild organizes two annual writing festivals:

  • Writing North (January in Saskatoon at the University of Saskatchewan)
  • Talking Fresh (March in Regina)

These festivals bring together SWG members, Saskatchewan writers, university students, and the general public. They are offered free of charge and are opportunities to connect with new and old writing friends in Saskatchewan, as well as introducing new writing connections beyond the province.


Our festival programming includes:
  • interactive professional development workshops on the craft of writing in different genres
  • engaging talks
  • panels organized around the festival’s theme.

These events are offered in-person or online, with some in-person sessions also livestreamed and recorded. We implement a variety of measures to ensure these festivals are accessible to all writers, including free admission, hosting in a physically accessible venue near public transportation, asking presenters for visual self-IDs and read-along materials (if appropriate), as well as online measures like auto-captions and read-along.

We intentionally curate programming to include writers of marginalized communities (i.e. Black, Indigenous, people of colour, LGBTQ2S+, and/or disabled/ill) to showcase the rich depth and breadth of the Canadian writing community and offer Saskatchewan writers a gateway to explore different cultures, viewpoints, experiences, and identities through writing.


Our next festivals will be:

  • January 24 & 25, 2025 - Writing North @ St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon

All things Writing North are found here - https://skwriter.com/events-and-workshops/writing-north 


  • March TBD - Talking Fresh


Check out our website in the months before our festivals for more information!

SWG Thanks Our Funders