Donations can be made through our website:
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You can also mail a cheque to our office:
Saskatchewan Writers' Guild
PO Box 3986
Regina, SK S4P 3R9
Or you can call the office at 306.791.7740 and we can take your donation over the phone.
General Fund
The Foundation was established to support the stated vision, mission and values of the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild and providing financial assistance for the activities and projects of the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild or projects undertaken by organizations and individuals approved by the SWG Board of Directors.
Andrew Suknaski Writers Assistance Fund
The fund, founded in the name of writer Andrew Suknaski, provides short term relief for SWG members in financial need.
Glen Sorestad was one of the originators of this fund way back in the days when Suknaski and Mick Burrs both lived in Regina and both were struggling financially. Anne Szumigalski, Pat Lane, Elizabeth Brewster and Sorestad were responsible for forming the fund to provide short term relief to help a writer over a bad time.
Facilitated Retreat Endowment
To provide funds for operating costs for the SWG’s Facilitated Retreat for Emerging Writers or, should the Facilitated Retreat cease to exist, to benefit writers and retreats.
Judy McCrosky Bursary Fund
To provide an annual bursary to an emerging writer who wishes to attend the winter retreat. Initially the agreement in 2008 stated the bursary was for $250 but allowed discretion of the Foundation board to adjust the amount as it deemed appropriate.
Sage Hill Scholarship Award
Originally funded by the Canadian Women’s Press Club in 1990 (changed to the Media Club of Canada in mid-1990’s) to fund a $500 W.O. Mitchell Bursary Award. Interest generated above $500 would fund a Canadian Women’s Press Club Scholarship. If SWG (later SWGF) ceases to be the Trustee then it is to be transferred to the University of Saskatchewan. Currently it is paid to Sage Hill to award a participant in one of its annual programs.
John V Hicks Scholarship
For his contribution and years of service to literary arts the late John V. Hicks, former Poet Laureate of Prince Albert, through his estate bequest $10,000 “for the purpose of perpetuating the present John V. Hicks Scholarship.” These funds were received by SWG in October, 2001.
This scholarship was originally awarded to a participant in the School of the Arts then, after this closed, it was paid to Sage Hill and awarded to a participant in one of its annual programs.
Sage Hill currently provides a John V. Hicks Scholarship per year. As of 2022, the John V. Hicks Scholarship also provides one recipient with $300 for the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s winter retreat.
Doris Hillis Scholarship
This scholarship is funded through the generous bequest of $10,000 to the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild by Doris Hillis. Doris had been a long standing and active member/teacher in the SWG and Saskatchewan writing community. The SWG has sole discretion on the amount of scholarship and recipient of the scholarship; however, the scholarship must be annually awarded for creative writing of poetry or drama.
The Doris Hillis Scholarship provides one recipient with program fees for the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s fall Facilitated Retreat. The scholarship is intended for an emerging BIPOC Saskatchewan writer working on creating poetry or drama.
The Anne Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Established by family in 2023, the Anne Campbell Memorial Scholarship provides a yearly scholarship to the summer retreat. As a long-standing, essential member of the SWG, Anne had been an integral part of the SWG community as one of Saskatchewan’s established writers and she brought passion and wisdom to many SWG events and writing programs.
The scholarship provides one recipient with $500 for the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild Summer Writing Retreat. The scholarship is intended for an emerging Saskatchewan writer working on poetry or short stories.
The scholarship is paid out from the principal amount, plus any other donations made by others to the fund, and any interest accrued.