Writing Resources
This is a short list of books that might help you get motivated or provide some insight. If you come across a book that you have found particularly helpful, please let us know so we can share it with everyone else. Email swgmedia@skwriter.com
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
Lynne Truss
Profile Books, 2003
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King
Scribner, 2000
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Anne Lamott
Anchor, 1995
Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within You
Ray Bradbury
Bantam, 1990
Writing fiction
- Things Feigned or Imagined: The Craft in Fiction — Fred Stenson — ISBN: 0-920159934
- Creating Unforgettable Characters — Linda Seger — ISBN 0-8050-1171-4
- The Art of Fiction — John Gardner — ISBN: 0-679-73403-1
- On Becoming a Novelist — John Gardner — ISBN: 0-06-09126-3
- Structuring Your Novel — Robert C. Meredith and John D. Fitzgerald — ISBN: 0-06-273170-X
- The Right to Writer — Julia Cameron — ISBN: 1-58542-009-3
- The Artists’ Way - Julia Cameron — ISBN: 0-87477-694-5
- Word Magic for Writers — Cindy Rogers - IBSN: 1-889715-24-7
Writers and literature
Saskatchewan Writers: Lives Past and Present
Edited by Heather Hodgson
University of Regina Press, 2004 -
Encyclopaedia of Literature in Canada
William H. New
University of Toronto Press, 2002
The Oxford companion to Canadian literature
William Toye
Oxford University Press, 1983
- Poetry forms from Poem of Quotes
- Glossary of terms from the Poetry Foundation
- 100+ Poetic Forms for Poets from Writers Digest
- Glossary of Poetry Types from Young Writers