
The Annual Magazine of High School Writing

Windscript has been publishing the best of Saskatchewan high school students' literature since 1983. The SWG is proud to support the fresh, original work of student writers. We thank teachers and librarians who encourage their students to submit their creations.

The submission period opens October 1, 2024. Submission deadline for the next issue is December 11, 2024.

To assist students with the Windscript submission process, we have developed a Windscript Workbook which provides visual examples, best tips, and insights into the editing process.

CLICK HERE FOR the windscript workbook PDF 

Mandatory Windscript Cover Letter Form

Submission Guidelines

Please note that as in all writing competitions, these guidelines are important and must be followed in order for a submission to be accepted.

Writers selected for publication will go through an editing process with the editor(s) and will receive payment at the standard SWG rates, as well as two (2) complimentary copies of Windscript.

The editing process consists of revising the content, organization, grammar, and presentation of a piece of writing to enhance the writer’s voice. Students should submit their best work and be prepared to work collaboratively with the editor(s) to take their work to the next level. For example, the editor(s) may ask you to expand a scene or may suggest word choice changes. Editor(s) will communicate with students by email; timely and attentive communication is crucial to the process so students should check their email often. 


Those submitting must be:

•    Saskatchewan-based high school students. Students can submit creative writing in any and all forms including poetry and prose (fiction and creative nonfiction).

•    Students do not have to be members of the SWG.


Submissions must be:

  • All work must be original and human-generated from start to finish.
    • We do not accept submissions of any kind that were written, developed, or assisted by AI tools such as ChatGPT. Any attempt to submit AI-aided work may result in being banned from submitting to Windscript.
    • Submissions that are proven to be plagiarised will not be accepted and the submitter will be banned from submitting to Windscript

      Plagiarism, whether from the web, from other students, or from published sources (digital or print) is a serious writing offense. Plagiarism is the presentation of words or thoughts of someone else as if they were your own – exceptions are proverbial sayings or common knowledge. Avoid charges of plagiarizing by acknowledging your sources in the submission and be sure that all words and phrases from the source are in quotation marks.
  • Writers must submit their own work directly – submissions cannot be made by a third party (such as a parent or teacher).
  • You must proofread your manuscript before submission.
  • You may submit up to four poems and two prose pieces (which do not exceed 1500 words each).
  • You can submit in both prose and poetry, but contributors will only be published in one genre.
  • Windscript does not accept pieces with multiple authors or images.


Always keep a copy of your submitted work. Submissions will not be returned.

Email your Windscript Cover Letter Form and submission as attachments to with “Windscript Submission” in the subject line:


What you need to know about your cover letter

•   Download and complete the Windscript Cover Letter Form from our website ( and attach it to your email along with your poetry and/or prose pieces. Fill it out completely or your submission will not be accepted.

•   Your Windscript Cover Letter Form can be in the following formats: PDF, Word doc, or docx formats. Please do not submit links (like from Google Docs) to your Windscript Cover Letter Form. For security reasons, links will not be clicked.

•   Your Windscript Cover Letter Form should be named “First Name Last Name – cover letter”


What you need to know about your submission

•    Do not put more than one poem or prose piece on a page. Each piece of writing should be its own document.

•    Your file names must be as follows: Windscript_title_genre (example: Windscript_The Raven_Poetry)

•    Type each piece in 12 pt. plain text font (such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier), and prose must be double spaced.

•    Number each page.

•    Put the title on each submission and each page of the manuscript.

•    Submit documents in .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit PDF’s or Pages files or links (like from Google Docs) to your work. Download each file and attach it to the email. For security reasons, links will not be clicked.


Printable Submission Guidelines

If you have questions, please email  

Current Issue 


VOLUME 40, 2024






A hardcopy of the issue can be ordered by calling 306.791.7740 or email

One copy is $10, which include Shipping & Handling.

Windscript Awards

Each year awards are handed out to contributors of Windscript. Congratulations to the winners.

The Jerrett Enns Award recognizes excellence in poetry and prose writing. Named for Victor Jerrett Enns, Executive Director of the SWG from 1982-1988.

  • 2024
    • Lilah Flieg-Bacheschi (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Payton Todd (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2023
    • Daria Krol (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Felix Liu (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2022
    • Abigail Friesen (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Silvana Gebremeskel (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2021
    • Sohila Elgedawi (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Kamryn Havin (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2020
    • ​​​​​​​Sohila Elgedawi (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Sarah-Marie Nadeau (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2019
    • ​​​​​​​Trinity Squirrel (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Rebekah Fehr (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2018
    • ​​​​​​​Meghan Reyda-Molnar (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Tia Pechawis (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2017
    • ​​​​​​​Ashley Harder (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Kendall Bistretzan (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2016
    • ​​​​​​​Mairyn Rackow (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Andrew Adair (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)
  • 2015
    • ​​​​​​​Gloria Sun (Jerrett Enns Award for Poetry)
    • Leanne Dombowsky (Jerrett Enns Award for Prose)


The Currie-Hyland Prize is awarded for excellence in poetry to a high school student living outside Regina or Saskatoon. Established in 1992, the award honours Robert Currie and Gary Hyland in recognition of the literary excellence they achieved and their commitment to their students. 

  • 2024 - Paris Belisle
  • 2023 - Nevin Runnalls
  • 2022 - Megan Mineau
  • 2021 - Georgina Doyle
  • 2020 - Emily Zbaraschuk
  • 2019 - Annika Olson
  • 2018 - Chad Kitchen
  • 2017 - Tiana Lafreniere
  • 2016 - Brooklyn Denton
  • 2015 - Sam Letendre

History and Archived Volumes

1983 Windscript was created by Victor Jerrett Enns, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild from 1982 to 1988 His enthusiasm and determination kept the magazine alive in its fist years until permanent funding could be found.

1985 Permanent funding for Windscript is established.

1985-2003 Windscript is distributed free to all high schools and libraries in Saskatchewan.

2004  Funding sources were no longer available and the print publishing of the magazine was replaced by electronic versions through the Guild’s website.

2011 Due to popular demand from students and teachers, Windscript returns to print, while remaining available online.

Today Over 1500 writers have been published in Windscript and it is distributed free to all high schools and libraries in Saskatchewan.

Archived Volumes

Volume 39, 2023     VOLUME 38, 2022

Volume 37, 2021     Volume 36, 2020     Volume 35, 2019

For earlier Volumes, please contact the SWG office.

Copies of archived volumes are available for free through the SWG office and are an excellent classroom resource showcasing published youth writing. Current issues are $10/issue which includes shipping and handling. We reserve the right to limit the number of copies per person.

For more information, please contact:

Program Manager
 306.791.7746 | E:

SWG Thanks Our Funders