
Administrative Staff

Tracy Hamon
Tracy Hamon
Executive Director

The Executive Director is responsible for the general direction, operations and resource management of the SWG and the SWG Foundation (SWGF).  The Executive Director works closely with the SWG and SWGF Boards and our core funders (Saskatchewan Lotteries, and SaskCulture).

Andrea MacLeod
Andrea MacLeod
Executive Assistant

The Executive Assistant responds to general inquiries by members and the general public and manages memberships and donations. The Executive Assistant also provides support to the Executive Director, staff and the SWG Board.

Sharon Johnson
Sharon Johnson

The Bookeeper is responsible for ensuring accountability for all funds of the SWG and the SWG Foundation Inc. She oversees and maintains all financial aspects of the SWG, and provides advice and guidance to the Executive Director, the staff and the SWG Board.

Programming Staff

Yolanda Hansen
Yolanda Hansen
Program Director

The Program Director plans, organizes, delivers, and monitors the SWG's programs and services. These programs include Awards, Writing North and Talking Fresh festivals, Writers and Facilitated Retreats, Mentorship Program, Conference, Virtual Writer-in-Residence, and Poet Laureate and Youth Poet Laureate programs.

Cat Abenstein
Cat Abenstein
Program Manager

The Program Manager plans, organizes, delivers, and monitors the SWG's programs and services. These programs include the Author Readings Program, Professional Development Workshops, the First Draft: Conversations on Writing series, Windscript magazine, and community-partnered programming, as well as assisting with other programs of the SWG.

Tea Gerbeza
Tea Gerbeza
Program Coordinator

The Program Coordinator plans, organizes, delivers, and supports SWG programs and services. These programs include the Manuscript Evaluation Service, writing group funding, spring magazine, The Guild Prize, Writing North Festival, the Virtual Facilitated Retreat, Penned Up, and the SWG’s reading series Words in the Park and Book Bytes. The Program Coordinator also manages the SWG's social media channels as well as assisting with other programs of the SWG.

Debbie Sunchild-Petersen
Debbie Sunchild-Petersen
Indigenous Program Coordinator

The Indigenous Program Coordinator, based in Saskatoon, plans, organizes, delivers, and monitors the Guild's Indigenous programs and services including the Indigenous Mentorship Program, Storytelling events, programs for youth, professional development workshops and events.

Publications Staff

Shirley Fehr
Shirley Fehr
Publications Coordinator

The Publications Coordinator prepares and distributes the weekly e-newsletter Ebriefs; is the editor of Freelance, our quarterly member magazine; and is responsible for the layout and design of spring – the SWG’s publication for emerging writers, Windscript - the magazine of high school writing; Grain magazine, and all SWG promotional materials.

Elena Bentley
Elena Bentley
Grain Editor

The Grain Editor is in charge of all editorial matters for Grain, the SWG’s award-winning literary journal. The Editor manages the assistant editors, applies for funding, selects pieces and oversees the layout and printing of the magazine.


SWG Thanks Our Funders