Please note all times listed are Saskatchewan time. Find your time zone here:
This workshop will not be recorded.
This workshop is in partnership with the Regina Public Library for their Writes of Spring programming, a month-long celebration of writers and readers.
This program is conducted through Zoom. Register through the RPL website to receive a reminder, the evaluation and any resource materials or just click the link to join:
Please note: anyone with a valid Saskatchewan library card (from all regional libraries) can register for these programs. The direct Zoom link is provided above in the event you do not have a valid Saskatchewan library card and cannot register. Where possible, please register.
Meeting Young Readers as Equals: Writing YA without Talking Down
Writing books for young audiences can be a difficult balancing act. On the one hand, there are real developmental differences in how young readers process information compared to adults. On the other hand, no other audience is so sensitive to hints of condescension or pandering. In this workshop, Shane will teach you how to meet your readers as equals, building from a foundation of respect for your audience. The workshop will highlight important facts to keep in mind when writing for younger readers, as well as techniques to make the experience rewarding both for your readers and for yourself as a writer.
Shane Arbuthnott is the author of Guardians of Porthaven, as well as the Molly Stout series. His novels have been nominated for multiple awards, including the Kobo Emerging Writer Prize for his debut novel, Dominion. His short fiction has appeared in On Spec and Open Spaces. Shane grew up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and now lives in Regina with his family. For more information on Shane and his books, visit
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