Please note all times listed are Saskatchewan time. Find your time zone here:
This workshop will not be recorded.
This workshop is in partnership with the Regina Public Library for their Writes of Spring programming, a month-long celebration of writers and readers. You have a story, we can help you tell it.
This program is conducted through Zoom. Register through the RPL website to receive a reminder, the evaluation and any resource materials or just click the link to join:
Please note: anyone in Saskatchewan with a valid library card (from all regional libraries) can register for these programs. The direct Zoom link is provided above in the event you do not have a valid SK library card and cannot register. Where possible, please register.
In partnership with the SWG, the Regina Public Library Film Theatre presents a series of films hand-picked by SK writers.
The Law of Desire, selected by Jes Battis
Screening on Saturday, April 15, 7:00 p.m.
Jes Battis says, “The Law of Desire/La ley del deso, by Pedro Almodóvar, is a 1986 film that focuses on a director and dramatist who's writing a monologue for his trans sister. The film deals with the absurdity of the writing process, as well as a volatile relationship between the protagonist and his younger lover (played by Antonio Banderas). Although the character of Tina is played by a cis actress, the film was ground breaking in its portrayal of a trans woman raising a daughter. It represented a turning point in Almodóvar's work towards queer narrative cinema, and was also emblematic of the gay and trans liberation movement in Spain during the transition that followed Francoist dictatorship. Desire and writing are intertwined in this vibrant, funny, and moving film.”
Queer Street: Urban Fantasy and Radical Construction
The title of this workshop plays on a moment in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde--when a character warns us about the dangers of “going down queer street”--as well as the idea that our fantasy worlds are always under construction. We’ll discuss how urban fantasy blossoms within cities, towns, and communities, and how we can build fantastic otherwheres that address inequalities within our own world. I’ll focus primarily on developing queer and trans characters (and worlds) within this genre, but we’ll also talk about intersecting experiences and how the magic of urban fantasy allows us to portray those complexities.
Jes Battis is the author of the Occult Special Investigator series (shortlisted for the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic), as well as the Parallel Parks series. They’ve written nonfiction for The Los Angeles Review of Books and Strange Horizons, and published poetry in The Malahat Review, The Capilano Review, and Poetry is Dead, among other journals. Their latest book, The Winter Knight, is a queer Arthurian murder mystery set in Vancouver (to be released by ECW Press in April of 2023).
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