Events & Workshops

Event Type
SWG Event

Start: April 15, 2021 - 7:00 pm
To: 8:30 pm (SK Time)
Online via Zoom
Cat Abenstein - Program Coordinator
Start: April 15, 2021 - 7:00 pm
To: 8:30 pm (SK Time)

Writer-in-Residence Retrospective

Please note, this event is in partnership with the Regina Public Library for their Writes of Spring programming, a month-long celebration of writers and readers.


Registration occurs through the RPL website – 


If you cannot register because you don’t have a Regina library card, you can find the Zoom event link on the RPL’s event description on their website. Where possible, please register.


Join current Writer-in-Residence J. Jill Robinson and three former Writers-in-Residence, Trevor Herriot, Gail Bowen, and Arthur Slade, as they chat about their time with RPL and what they're up to now



J. Jill Robinson is the current Writer-in-Residence at the Regina Public Library. She is a Canadian writer, editor and teacher with an MFA in creative writing. She is the author of the novel, More in Anger, as well as four collections of short stories. Jill has also served as the editor of Grain literary magazine, as Saskatoon Public Library’s writer-in-residence, and has extensive experience as a writing mentor, workshop facilitator and editor.










Trevor Herriot was the 2016/17 Writer-in-Residence. He is a naturalist, grassland conservationist, and the author of several award-winning books, including Grass, Sky, Song and the national bestseller River in a Dry Land. He has published essays and articles in The Globe & Mail, Canadian Geographic, and several anthologies. Herriot appears regularly on CBC Radio Saskatchewan’s Birdline and has been featured in several documentaries, including “Grasslands: a Hidden Wilderness,” which appeared on The Nature of Things. He and his wife, Karen, live in Regina and spend much of their time on a piece of Aspen Parkland prairie east of the city.



Gail Bowen was the 2013/14 Writer-in-Residence. An Image in the Lake is the twentieth novel in Bowen’s Joanne Kilbourn Shreve mystery series. Bowen has also written four Charlie Dowhanuik novellas for Orca books. Sleuth: Gail Bowen on Writing Mysteries was published in March 2018. Bowen has written plays for CBC Radio and for theatrical production across Canada. She lives in Regina with her husband Ted.



Arthur Slade was the 2014/15 Writer-in-Residence. He was raised on a ranch in the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan. He is the author of twenty-five novels for young readers including The Hunchback Assignments, which won the prestigious TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award and Dust, winner of the Governor General’s Award for Children’s Literature. He lives in Saskatoon, Canada. Visit him online at









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