Writer and Artist Retreats

A Place to Work and Be Inspired

Writers and artists have always recognized the need for a place where they could work without disruption. Retreats offer not only that but also a source of inspiration. The SWG self-directed retreat is for writers and artists who are able to work independently. Self-directed retreats are offered each winter and summer at  St. Peter’s Abbey in Muenster, SK

Writers of all genres are encouraged to apply. For writers wishing to attend a self-directed retreat, but who may not qualify or who feel they’d like a taste of a writing retreat first, the SWG recommends attending a facilitated retreat as an introduction.

Artist studio space is limited and subject to availability at St. Peter’s Abbey. 

Our next Retreat dates are:


  • Winter Retreats are February 14-28 (Abbey Guestwing)
  • Summer Retreats are July 11-25 (Scholastica Residence)

Retreat fees

Non-refundable application fee of $30 due when submitting your application.

Retreat fees cover all administration, private lodging and food costs for a one week stay (updated Sept 10, 2024)

  • SK-based SWG members: $475
  • Out-of-province SWG members OR SK-based non-members: $575
  • Out-of-province non-members: $675
  • Studio fees for visual artists: $100 per week in addition to the week's rate above 

Eligible writers can apply for a scholarship or bursary to cover retreat fees. 

Late applications may be accepted IF space allows. A late fee of $35 will apply to applications accepted to the retreat after the application period closes.

Retreat fees are due within a week of acceptance. Payment can be made through our webpage, via etransfer or by cheque (please notify the office if mailing a cheque). 

There is a great deal of work that goes into the application process and we appreciate your consideration if you need to cancel. 

Retreat experience

During the Winter Retreats at St. Peter's Abbey in Muenster, each retreatants will stay in the Abbey Guestwing in a single bedroom, which includes a single bed, dresser, desk with chair, sink and mirror. Retreatants at the Summer Retreats stay in the Scholastica Residence in single rooms that include a single bed, dresser, desk with chair and mirror. Shared toilets and showers are available in both facilities. Bedding, towel and pillows are provided, as are all meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) in the cafeteria. Wifi access is available. 

Retreatants have access to St. Peter's fitness facility, the College library and the SWG's reference library as well as walking paths on the Abbey grounds. Retreatants are served shared buffet meals in the dining hall based on a set menu. The kitchen will be informed of any food allergies or sensitivities, but please note that a completely gluten free or dairy free diet cannot be guaranteed.

Summer retreats are not wheelchair accessible; navigating stairs is required. An elevator is available for guests staying in the Abbey Guestwing. Applicants with mobility or accessibility needs, or severe food allergies or restrictions, are encouraged to speak to the Guild about how we can help make the retreat an enjoyable experience for you; some needs may not be able to be accommodated and may affect your acceptance or accommodation.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the retreat, but carpooling may be arranged by communicating with fellow retreatants. There are no public transportation options to Muenster currently available.

More information will be shared with retreatants after their acceptance, or you can speak to the Guild Program Director at programs@skwriter.com if you have questions or concerns about your retreat experience.

Application guidelines

Applicants must be 19 years of age or older and the application must include:

1. The completed application form 

2. A cover letter that states:

  • your name, address and phone numbers;
  • a short description of the type of work to be done at the retreat;
  • the names and phone numbers of two referees familiar with your work and who can attest to your ability to work independently; and 
  • your first and second choice of retreat dates.

3. Writers: 

  • Ten typed pages of manuscript — include a sample of what you will be working on as well as previous work (submit your best work) within the ten page sample. All work will be destroyed after the adjudication process. Samples in excess of ten pages will not be processed.


  • Ten high resolution .jpg format files clearly identified with a title, medium and date of work. All work submitted should be recent.

4. A literary CV including publications/exhibitions (max 4 pages).

5. All submissions must be received through our online application process.    

Application Form

Applications are closed.


Payment of your $30 application fee is due when you submit your application.  This fee is non-refundable.


Payment of your retreat fees is due within a week of acceptance. Payment can be made by credit card through our webpage, via etransfer or by cheque (please notify the office if mailing a cheque). Payment must be received before your attendance at the retreat. Non-payment of fees will result in rejection of your application without exception. 

A late fee of $35 will apply to all payments outstanding as of two weeks prior to the start of the retreat.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation refunds will be processed as follows:

  • 21-30 days or more prior to start date: 100% of funds reimbursed, less the non-refundable $30 application fee.
  • 14-21 days prior to retreat start date: 50% of funds reimbursed, less the non-refundable $30 application fee.
  • 7-14 days prior to retreat start date: 25% of funds reimbursed, less the non-refundable $30 application fee.
  • 0-7 days prior to retreat start date: no fees reimbursed. 

Refunds for health or family emergency will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The SWG reserves the right to cancel a retreat if there is insufficient enrolment, in the event of unforeseen circumstances or a requirement to close by a government mandate. All retreat fees will be refunded. Please note the SWG is not liable for any personal/travel expenses.  

Selection criteria

  • Applicants who apply by the deadline will be given first consideration although, if there are spaces available, applications will be considered up to two weeks prior to the beginning of the retreat period desired;
  • A maximum of two weeks of individual retreats and a total of four weeks of retreats per person per year is allowed;
  • If space is limited, previous retreat stays will determine residency, and that eight weeks of retreat time over the past three years will be the guideline for adjudication, with preference given to those who have not had previous opportunities to attend; and 
  • Preference will be given to Saskatchewan residents.

Adjudication process

All applications are subjected to a rigorous juried process which takes place approximately a week after the application deadline. Acceptance is determined by:

  • Quality of work decided by the writing sample/visual images submitted;
  • Literary CV and publication/exhibition history;
  • Benefits to be gained from the retreat experience;
  • Ability to work independently; and
  • Project description.


The Anne Campbell Memorial Scholarship

The Anne Campbell Memorial Scholarship provides one recipient with $500 for the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild Summer Retreat. The scholarship is intended for an emerging Saskatchewan writer working on poetry or short stories. 

The scholarship is funded through a generous donation by the estate and family of Anne Campbell.


The Anne Campbell Memorial Scholarship is intended for an emerging Saskatchewan writer working on poetry or short stories. For the purpose of this scholarship, an emerging writer will be considered as a practicing writer who is in the early stages of their career and who has not yet published a book or equivalent. 

The recipient must be a resident of Saskatchewan and has been for one year prior to the beginning of the retreat.

The successful scholarship recipient must be accepted to the Summer Retreat. Previous recipients of the Scholarship, members of the adjudication committee, current employees or Board of the SWG are not eligible to be considered for this award.

An application process is required.


Criteria and Application Process

Applicants will submit a 1-2 page letter, outlining their response to the following criteria:

  1. A brief paragraph describing your writing in the genres of poetry or short stories
  2. A description of your goals for your writing and how attending the retreat will help you achieve these goals.
  3. Writing experience, including:
    1. How long you have been writing
    2. Any professional development you have undertaken to date (which could include workshops, classes or degrees, immersive experiences like Sage Hill or Banff Centre, writing group membership, working with a mentor, editor or Writer-in-Residence, attending literary learning opportunities, etc.)
    3. Any publications, including the publications’ name and genre.

Please submit this letter of application at the same time you are applying to the retreat. 

Application Form

The John V. Hicks Scholarship

The John V. Hicks Scholarship provides one recipient with $300 for the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s Winter Writers/Artists Retreat. The scholarship is intended for a mid-career writer working on poetry for a minimum two-week stay at the Winter Retreat.



Eligible recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • Are a mid-career writer, defined as a practicing writer who is in the middle stage of their career and has published one or more books or the equivalent.
  • Has a poetry project to work on at the Retreat
  • Are a resident of Saskatchewan and have been for one year prior to the beginning of the retreat

The successful scholarship recipient must be accepted to the Winter Retreat for a minimum two week stay. Previous recipients of the Scholarship, members of the selection committee, current employees or Board of the SWG are not eligible to be considered for this award.



Applicants will submit a 1-2 page letter, outlining their response to the following criteria:

  1. Writing experience, including:
    1. How long you have been writing
    2. Any professional development you have undertaken to date (which could include workshops, classes or degrees, immersive experiences like Sage Hill or Banff Centre, writing group membership, working with a mentor, editor or Writer-in-Residence, attending literary learning opportunities, etc.)
    3. A summary of notable publications.
  2. Please explain why attending the Retreat will benefit you as a writer
  3. Please explain if and how receiving this scholarship may reduce any barriers you may face in attending the Retreat for two weeks. This could include, but is not limited to, financial need.

Application Form

The Judy McCrosky Bursary 

The Judy McCrosky Bursary provides one recipient with program fees for one week of the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s Winter and Summer Writer Retreats at St. Peter’s Abbey. The scholarship is intended for an emerging Saskatchewan writer.

Your application to this scholarship must be received at the same time as your application to attend the winter or summer retreat.


Eligible recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • Are a developing writer, defined as being in the early stages of their writing and has not yet published a book or equivalent
  • Are a resident of Saskatchewan and have been for one year prior to the beginning of the retreat

The successful scholarship recipient must be accepted to the Winter or Summer Retreat. Previous recipients of the Scholarship, members of the selection committee, current employees or Board of the SWG are not eligible to be considered for this award.


Applicants will submit a 1-2 page letter, outlining their response to the following criteria:

  1. Writing experience, including:
    1. How long you have been writing
    2. Any professional development you have undertaken to date (which could include workshops, classes or degrees, immersive experiences like Sage Hill or Banff Centre, writing group membership, working with a mentor, editor or Writer-in-Residence, attending literary learning opportunities, etc.)
    3. Any publications, including the publications’ name and genre.
  2. Please explain why attending the Retreat will benefit you as an emerging writer.

Application Form

For more information, please contact:

Program Director
 306.791.7743 | E: programs@skwriter.com

SWG Thanks Our Funders