Events & Workshops

Event Type
Calls Of Interest

Deadline: June 19, 2024 - 11:59 pm (SK Time)
Yolanda Hansen - Program Director
Deadline: June 19, 2024 - 11:59 pm (SK Time)

Call for applications for 2024-2025 Virtual Writers-in-Residence


The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild invites all those with the necessary qualifications to apply for the Virtual Writer-in-Residence (VWIR) position. The SWG will be hosting two different Virtual Writers-in-Residence in 2024-2025:


  • a fall term of September 1 to November 30, 2024
  • a winter term of February 1 to April 30, 2025


Virtual Writer-in-Residence program provides rural and isolated SWG members access to the services of a Writer-in-Residence. The position will require up to 12 hours a month of online one-to-one consultations with SWG members writing in all genres, totalling 36 sessions for the contract period. Preparation time for each session will include pre-reading, evaluation, and contemplation of the member’s submitted written work (up to 15 pages) and accompanying questions (approximately 1.5 hours of preparation per 1-hour session).


The VWIR provides the Guild with a monthly report including the names of the members accessing the service and a final report with a brief evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.


The requirements of this position are online consultations through Zoom: readings, workshops, special events or teaching are not expected. The Virtual Writer-in-Residence is not expected to produce writing and will not be compensated for private writing time. Previous VWIRs should allow three years before re-applying for this position.  


Two different candidates will be chosen for the two different VWIR periods.


Monthly remuneration is a maximum of $1500, plus GST if applicable, consisting of a base fee of $300 plus $100 per consultation up to a max of 12 consultations/month (or a total of $1500/month). Each term is three months for a maximum of $4500/term.


The successful candidate must have:

  • experience as a teacher, workshop leader, mentor, writer-in-residence, or editor
  • the ability to work with writers of all genres and at different levels of experience (i.e. beginners to more established writers)
  • extensive previous publications (including at least one book) and knowledge of the craft of writing in all genres
  • the ability to conduct meetings in Zoom and manage the VWIR email and Zoom account independently
  • the ability to commit 15-20 hours per month
  • Saskatchewan residency is preferred. Out-of-province applicants must explain their connections to the Saskatchewan writing community in their application.


Applications must include:


  • Cover letter outlining your ability to meet the position’s requirements and which VWIR term (Sept-Nov 2024 or Feb-Apr 2025) you prefer
  • Literary CV (max 5 pages), including a list of previous publications and projects, a summary of teaching, mentoring, and/or workshop experience
  • 2 letters of reference


Please submit your application by email to by midnight Wednesday, June 19, 2024.