Events & Workshops

Event Type
Calls Of Interest

Deadline: June 10, 2024 - 11:59 pm (SK Time)
Yolanda Hansen - Program Director
Deadline: June 10, 2024 - 11:59 pm (SK Time)

Call for Applications for Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate

EXTENDED DEADLINE to Monday June 10 at midnight!


The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild is seeking a new Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate for a one-year term (August 1, 2024 – July 31, 2025).


Both the Saskatchewan Poet Laureate and Youth Poet Laureate are ambassadors for the literary community in Saskatchewan and engage communities and organizations across the province in poetry initiatives or readings. The Youth Poet Laureate is a poet between the ages of 18-30 years of age during their term.


The Youth Poet Laureate should be willing to share their work publicly with diverse audiences at SWG and community events, although the Youth Poet Laureate’s efforts generally focus on younger audiences. Their work may occur both online and in-person; some travel within Saskatchewan may be required. They are responsible for creating social media content and may be called on to do media interviews.


Information about criteria and how to apply for the position is below. Application packages must be received by email by midnight Monday June 10, 2024. The successful poet will be determined by a jury and announced in July.



Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate


  • celebrate the spirit of Saskatchewan youth through the literary arts
  • raise the profile of young writers in Saskatchewan
  • raise awareness of the power of poetry and spoken word
  • act as an Ambassador for writing in general, poetry in particular, and for the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild 



The Youth Poet Laureate will meet the following criteria:

  • have a demonstrated commitment to writing, with a passion for poetry and/or spoken word 
  • have some record of public involvement in the writing culture of the province (e.g. readings, performances, volunteerism)
  • have pursued some form of formal or informal professional development (workshops, classes, etc.)
  • will be between the ages of 18-30 years old during their term
  • be a current resident of Saskatchewan, and has been a resident for at least 2 of the past 3 years
  • have means of reliable transportation and is willing to conduct duties both in-person and online.


Duties of the Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate

  • Read or perform at events as requested by schools, libraries or community organizations;
  • Involvement in the Poetry Soiree organized by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office (April) and/or other SWG events;
  • Write a 200-word greeting in the Guild’s high school literary magazine Windscript, published each May (due March 1);
  • Use digital engagement during their term
  • it is not expected that the Youth Poet Laureate write new work for any event/invitation; the responsibility is on the YPL whether to accept such a request.



Length of Term and Remuneration


The Youth Poet Laureate term is one year (August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025).


The Youth Poet Laureate will receive a $1,000 annual stipend, to be paid in two payments of $500 in December and July. Travel expenses and reading fees for a limited number of readings/events will be covered.


Application Process:


To apply for the Youth Poet Laureate position, please submit the following:

  • An application form
  • Résumé or Curriculum Vitae that includes:
  • your literary engagement experience at school, volunteering and/or work
  • a list of publications or performances, if applicable
  • a 100-word biography (to be used for promotional materials if accepted)
  • At least three original poems in any format including written, audio, or video. If submitting audio or video, please include a written transcript of the poems
  • A letter of intent (max 750 words) explaining the following:
    • Why you want to be the Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate
    • How you meet the criteria of the position you are applying for
    • Your availability and ability as the nominated youth poet between August 1, 2024 – July 31, 2025.


Application Form - PDF


Applications that do not follow the guidelines will not be forwarded to the jury for consideration. Please do not send Google Docs, links or documents longer than limits stated above.


Application deadline is EXTENDED to Monday, June 10, 2024, at midnight.