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Bill Waiser is one of Canada’s foremost historians. He’s the author of twenty-one books. His publications include A World We Have Lost: Saskatchewan before 1905, winner of the 2016 Governor General’s Literary Award for Non-Fiction. He also published his first children’s book, Gordie’s Skate, in 2023.
Bill personally presented a copy of his award-winning Saskatchewan: A New History to Queen Elizabeth II at a private ceremony in 2005. One reviewer of his work in the Globe and Mail claimed that “Saskatchewan has certainly found its historian.”
Bill has appointed to the Order of Canada, named to the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and granted a D.Litt. He’s also the recipient of the Governor General’s History Award (the Pierre Berton prize).
His book In Search of Almighty Voice was launched at the August 2022 One Arrow First Nations powwow at the request of the Elders. Both the Mosquito Nakoda First Nation and the Saddle Lake Cree Nation have honoured Bill with a blanketing ceremony.
Bill lives in Saskatoon. He is a recreational runner who also likes to hike, canoe, and garden.
ECW Press , 2023, Publication
Thistledown Press, 2023, Publication
Fifth House Publishers, 2020,
Fifth House Publishers, 2016,
Fifth House, 2010,
Fifth House, 2009,
Fifth House, 2008,
Fifth House, 2007,
Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2006,
Fifth House, 2005,
Fifth House, 2003,
Fifth House, 2003,
Fifth House, 1997,
Fifth House, 1995,
Fifth House, 1993,
Fifth House, 1992,
Fifth House, 1989,
University of Toronto Press, 1989,
Between 1999 and 2001, Waiser served as researcher and on-camera host for “Looking Back,” a CBC Saskatchewan Television weekly production. Each episode examined some little known or little understood aspect of Saskatchewan history in a five-minute segment that was aired during the early evening provincial news broadcast. The series won a CBC English Televison Award and an honourable mention,Chris Awards, Columbus International Film and Video Festival.