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K.D. Kulpa is a horror author based in Regina, SK, Canada. Growing up in a haunted house in Nipawin, SK, sparked her interest in the paranormal and horror genres. As a child, she devoured books by Stephen King, Anne Rice, and other horror novelists, and she loved watching horror movies, from classics like Halloween and Scream to cult favourites like The Thing and Poltergeist.
Her fascination with ghost stories and history has significantly influenced her writing. This passion led her to start her paranormal radio show and podcast, focusing on the paranormal and historical aspects of western Canada. Her interest in the supernatural extends to creatures and urban legends, seamlessly blending into her supernatural horror and dark fiction works.
COMA is her debut supernatural horror novel. UNEARTHED is her sci-fi thriller, released in 2025. She has many more ideas (and creatures) in the works that she hopes to bring to life soon!
When she's not writing, reading, or hosting her radio show, K.D. enjoys spending time with her three boys, husband, and beagle. She also loves painting, travelling, touring haunted locations, and managing her two businesses.
Connect with K.D. Kulpa on her website ( or on social media (@kdkulpa).