Submissions for the 2022 - 2023 Saskatchewan Book Awards will be…
Submissions for the 2022 - 2023 Saskatchewan Book Awards will be…
The SWG is pleased to announce Jill Robinson as our Fall 2022 Virtual…
My first attempt at a full-length piece. Follow a young Saskatchewan…
The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild is delighted to announce Lauren…
The SWG is pleased to announce that our online 50/50 RiffRaffle is now…
SWG member Helen Power’s genre-bending supernatural…
As the highest honour presented by the University of Saskatchewan…
What Is Written on the Tongue is released on April 26th, 2022 by ECW…
Let it Melt, the sequel to my Christmas romance novella, Let it…
The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild is pleased to announce that the…
SWG member Clarissa Harwood's gothic historical novel The Curse of…
March 6, 2022, from BWL Publishing Inc., a new cozy mystery from…
The SWG is pleased to announce Gail Bowen as our Winter Virtual…
The Canadian Copyright Institute is seeking revisions through…